Imagine standing at the peak of a roller coaster, looking back at the incredible journey you’ve undertaken throughout this year. As the wind rushes past you, carrying the echoes of laughter and the weight of introspection, you can’t help but marvel at the twists and turns that have brought you here. 

This week marks the culmination of your year-long deconstruction journey, a journey that has taken you through the highs and lows of belief exploration, self-discovery, and personal growth. Just like the roller coaster, your path has been filled with exhilarating moments of clarity and deep dives into the unknown.

Picture the roller coaster’s ascent, where you slowly climbed to great heights, preparing for the thrilling descent. Similarly, your journey began with a sense of anticipation and uncertainty. You faced questions and doubts, eager to explore the uncharted territories of your beliefs. 

Now, recall the exhilaration of the roller coaster’s first drop—the feeling of your stomach rising as you hurtled downward. In your own journey, you may have encountered moments of doubt, fear, or even existential crisis. These were the descents that challenged your existing beliefs and forced you to confront uncomfortable truths.

But just as the roller coaster provides safety measures to ensure your well-being, your journey was supported by a network of friends, mentors, and resources. You had the opportunity to connect with fellow travelers, share stories, and find solace in knowing that you were not alone.

Imagine the loops and twists that followed—the moments of profound insight, the deep connections you forged, and the personal growth you experienced. These were the moments of clarity and joy that filled your heart with wonder.

As the roller coaster ride comes to an end, you may find yourself reflecting on the entire journey—the lessons learned, the beliefs shed, and the growth achieved. It’s a bit like stepping off the roller coaster, feeling a mix of exhilaration and nostalgia.

This week, take the time to reflect on your deconstruction journey. Consider the challenges you faced, the questions you explored, and the personal transformation that occurred. Just as the roller coaster ride leaves you changed, so too has this year left its mark on your beliefs and your sense of self.


Journalling Questions for the Week

Day One

Imagine yourself at the start of this year’s journey, filled with anticipation and curiosity. What were your initial thoughts and emotions?


Day Two

Reflect on the moments of doubt or fear you encountered during your deconstruction journey. How did you navigate these challenges, and what did you learn from them?


Day Three

Recall the moments of clarity and joy that filled your journey. What were some of the most profound insights or experiences you had?


Day Four

Consider the connections you made with fellow travelers on this journey. How did these connections impact your experience, and what relationships have you cherished along the way?


Day Five

Reflect on the personal growth you’ve achieved throughout the year. In what ways have you grown, and how have your beliefs evolved?


Day Six

Imagine yourself stepping off the roller coaster, feeling a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. What are you carrying with you from this journey, and what are you leaving behind?


Day Seven

As this year’s journal comes to a close, ponder the path ahead. What will you do now, armed with the insights, growth, and experiences of your deconstruction journey?